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Unlocking the potential
of every child.

Supporting kids with autism through personalized ABA therapy, fostering growth, and building a foundation for a brighter future.

Ready to start your journey?

Child dressed as superhero holding up right arm successful learning life skills and communication

At Hometeam, we get it - parenting with autism challenges can be tough. From communication hurdles to meltdowns, we've guided families through it all. Our personalized ABA therapy empowers you to take the lead in your child's journey. We're not just a clinic; we're your energetic partner, simplifying the process for you to find hope and proven results. Connect with us - let's make progress together!

The Hometeam Advantage

Individual with stars in circle for individualized treatment plan

Tailored to Your Child

We prioritize person-centered care using ongoing assessment to develop an individualized treatment plan for every child we work with. By focusing on the unique strengths and needs of each child and their family, we can make a path for meaningful progress in areas that impact daily life the most.

Brain shaped lightbulb for parent coaching

Parent Coaching

Learning doesn't stop when the behavior tech leaves. We help parents eliminate the guesswork in setting expectations, improving communication with your child, and even learning to navigate tantrums like a pro. This approach empowers parents, not only to actively contribute to your child's progress, but also to keep these gains going at home.

Paper stack with pencil for support in school

Support in School

Involvement in your child's school is crucial. With kids spending so much time in school and teachers often lacking the time and resources to create a plan for every student, we can fill this gap. Whether it’s attending IEP meetings or assisting with behavior management, we can help your child’s school address their specific needs and optimize their learning environment 

orange container box for starting autism ABA therapy services consult

Ready to take the first step?

Complete the form below and we'll be in touch with you ASAP.

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We'll be in contact with you soon!

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